Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
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Murphy, David F. (editor)
Stott, Leda (editor)
This Special Issue of Sustainability on “Partnerships for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)” brings together a collection of articles that explore a diverse range of issues and challenges faced by partnership arrangements that seek to support the achievement of the SDGs and the United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. As well as encompassing a diverse range of collaborative forms and themes, and involving a variety of stakeholders, these collaborative initiatives are all notably shaped by the dynamics of the particular contexts in which they operate. These contexts include individual, organizational, sectoral, spatial, and geographical settings. The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on partnering for the SDGs is also apparent. The interplay between these elements offers a useful global–local context for further inquiry and reflection on how deeper and more meaningful collaborative relationships might be developed to achieve the SDG targets and beyond.
cross-sector partnerships; convening; coffee; strategy; mission-driven organization; SDGs; sustainability; sustainable supply chains; certification; convener; inter-organizational learning; collaboration; capabilities; frames; 2030 Agenda; Sustainable Development Goals; SDG 11; urban development; partnerships; local collective action; social segregation; marginalized urban areas; perception survey; non-profit organizations; charitable associations; mapping; Saudi Arabia; multi-stakeholder partnerships; transformation; effectiveness; impact; COVID-19; corporate foundations; partnership brokers; sustainable development; relationships; inter-personal connections; Goal 17; multistakeholder partnerships; challenges of multistakeholder partnerships; stakeholders’ perceptions; NGO–business collaboration; Mexico; organizational traits; UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs); sustainable development goals; public-private partnership for development; governance tension; development cooperation; monitoring and evaluation; n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036508467, 9783036508474Publisher website date and place
Basel, Switzerland, 2021Classification