
  • Solbrække, Kari Nyheim; Bondevik, Hilde; Fauske, Lena; Kvaale, Kaja; Andersen, Eva-Mari; Bjørvik, Eira; Synnes, Oddgeir; Thoresen, Lisbeth; Hølen, Vigdis; Solbrække, Kari Nyheim; Bondevik, Hilde (2024-04-15)
    In today's Norway, there are more than 300,000 people who have had cancer, or are living with cancer. Knowledge about the social and personal aspects of surviving cancer is still limited, something this book takes up in a ...
  • (2020)
    Roland Barthes once proposed that we distinguish between ‘violence’ and ‘violent’, the latter also including that which is violent in a positive way, such as “creative passions, creative radicalisms!” Today, it is more ...
  • Birgitta Haga Gripsrud og Lisbeth Thoresen (red.) (2019)
    Døden angår oss. Våre dødsforestillinger sier noe om hvem vi er, hvordan vi oppfatter oss selv, og hva som er viktig for oss. Tanatologi er vitenskapen og læren om døden. Den utgjør et voksende tverrfaglig felt internasjonalt. ...

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