Symmetry in Many-Body Physics

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Yukalov, V.I. (editor)
S. Bagnato, V. (editor)
Nazmitdinov, Rashid G. (editor)
This reprint contains 14 articles on various aspects of many-body physics. Most of the articles are devoted to different phenomena in Bose–Einstein condensate (M.R. Pathak and A. Nath; M.H. Figlioli Donato and S.R. Muniz ; B. Halder with coauthors; O.E. Alon).L. Madeira and V.S. Bagnato discuss the route of an out-of-equilibrium system to its thermalized state. M.R. Singh discusses the many-body interactions in plasmonic nanohybrids. M. Pudlak and R. Nazmitdinov analyze electron transport through a one-dimensional quantum ring, subject to Rashba spin–orbit interaction in the presence of external fields. R. Friedberg and J.T. Manassah report computer investigations on the duration memory for storage for an isolated atom. M.C. Pagnacco with coauthors describe the crazy-clock phenomenon. V.I. Yukalov and E.P. Yukalova consider materials with nanoscale phase separation. E.M. Anitas investigates materials with fractal-like geometry. L. Madeira with coauthors address the topic of quantum turbulence. K. Ziegler discusses how the employment of the diagonal elements of the time correlation matrix can be used to probe closed quantum systems that are measured at random times. L. Salasnich analyzes the collective dynamics of electrons in graphene positioned between the two slabs.
plasmonics; nano-optics; dipole-dipole interaction; density matrix method; dressed states; Kerr effect; quantum dots; metallic nanoparticles; graphene; quantum many-body theory; acoustic plasmons; Bose-Einstein condensates; infinite-particle-number limit; many-body theory; mean-field theory; position variance; momentum variance; angular-momentum variance; solvable models; harmonic-interaction model; anisotropy; dynamics of closed quantum systems; random probing; separation of time scales; Hilbert-space localization; quantum turbulence; Bose-Einstein condensate; out-of-equilibrium; small-angle scattering; fractional Brownian surfaces; fractal dimension; Hurst exponent; spectral exponent; nanoscale phase separation; quasi-equilibrium system; heterophase mixture; zeroth-order transition; nucleation point; four-color optical lattice; soliton; crazy clock; Briggs–Rauscher reaction; state I to state II transition; symmetry breaking; iodine; K-means analysis; random number generator; non-thermal fixed points; out-of-equilibrium system; Bose–Einstein condensate; turbulence; Josephson effect; spinor BEC; toroidal superfluid; quantum droplets; multi-color periodic confinement; Rashba spin–orbit interaction; semiconductor quantum ring; Floquet theory; light–matter coupling; magnetic field; bit retrieval; long-time memory; Nyxion; continuous pump; coalescence; Aurora; n/aISBN
9783036567297, 9783036567280Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2023Classification
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology