Migration and Global Health

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Becher, Heiko (editor)
Winkler, Volker (editor)
Zeeb, Hajo (editor)
This book attests to the ample research needs and opportunities around migration and health, with a focus on recent as well as earlier migration to Europe. It sheds light on several issues ranging from non-communicable disease epidemiology and health services utilization to aspects of quality of life, and of some methodological challenges.
incidence; stomach cancer; Laurén classification; migrants; former Soviet Union; cohort; Germany; caries; decay; Decayed Missing and Filled index (DMF) and dental health; refugee; asylum seeker; obesity; weight loss; diet; lifestyle; African migrants; children left behind; parental migration; physical health; children health; health-related quality of life; HRQL; acculturation; Turkish; SF-12; surveys and questionnaires; health; quality of life; migrant; colorectal cancer; young-onset; clinical characteristics; pathological characteristics; Former Soviet Union; resettlers; genetic differences; cardiovascular diseases; GWAS; Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA); cognition; Turkish migrants; predictors; oral health care; dental; access; attitude; Eritrea; refugees; asylum-seekers; qualitative; health care; utilization; depression; self-rated health; functional limitations; older age; migrant status; health inequalities; trend analysis; Europe; Mexican; Hispanic/Latino paradox; stress; migration; subjective health; smoking; diabetes; healthcare utilizationWebshop link
https://mdpi.com/books/pdfview ...ISBN
9783036536071, 9783036536088Publisher website
www.mdpi.com/booksPublication date and place
Basel, 2022Classification