Nevidno življenje odpadkov
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Polajnar Horvat, Katarina (editor)
Podjed, Dan (editor)
Babič, Saša (other)
Polajnar Horvat, Katarina (other)
Ličen, Daša (other)
Bezjak Mlakar, Alenka (other)
Podjed, Dan (other)
Bajuk Senčar, Tatiana (other)
Smrekar, Aleš (other)
Šrimpf Vendramin, Katarina (other)
The main purpose of this book is to show that waste does not disappear when we throw it away, but accumulates at an amazing rate, taking up more and more space on our planet. The authors, renowned experts in the fields of anthropology, ethnology and geography, describe local habits related to waste and present waste as an important factor in the global production and consumption network. Anyone reading the book will find it hard to ignore the pile of waste we are trying to sweep under the carpet. Glavni namen te knjige je pokazati, da odpadki ne izginejo, ko jih zavržemo, temveč se z osupljivo hitrostjo kopičijo in zasedajo vse več prostora na našem planetu. Prispevki, ki so jih napisali uveljavljeni strokovnjaki in strokovnjakinje s področij antropologije, etnologije in geografije, opišejo lokalne navade, povezane z odpadki, ter predstavijo smeti kot pomemben dejavnik v globalnem omrežju proizvodnje in potrošnje. Kdor bo knjigo prebral, bo težko odmislil kup odpadkov, ki ga skušamo pomesti pod preprogo.
waste; waste deposits; everyday life; collective volumeWebshop link
9789610506089, 9789610506096Publisher
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRCPublication date and place
Ljubljana, 2022Classification
Social & cultural anthropology, ethnography
Waste management
Social and cultural anthropology
Waste management