Avtobiografski diskurz
Teorija in praksa avtobiografije v literarni vedi, humanistiki in družboslovju
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Koron, Alenka (editor)
Leben, Andrej (editor)
Bahovec, Eva D. (other)
Fridl, Ignacija J. (other)
Milharčič Hladnik, Mirjam (other)
Juvan, Marko (other)
Južnič, Stanislav (other)
Koron, Alenka (other)
Leben, Andrej (other)
Jurić Pahor, Marija (other)
Piko-Rustia, Martina (other)
Mihurko Poniž, Katja (other)
Žitnik Serafin, Janja (other)
Sozina, Julija (other)
Stanonik, Marija (other)
Čeh Steger, Jožica (other)
Kernev Štrajn, Jelka (other)
Urek, Mojca (other)
Verginella, Marta (other)
Vidmar, Luka (other)
Zlatar Violić, Andrea (other)
This collective volume is the first monographic and interdisciplinary study of autobiography in Slovenia. Nineteen authors are discussing the issues of its development, combining the methods of literary scholarship with the philosophical, historiographical, ethnological, sociological and other perspectives. Theoretical insights are complemented by a series of case studies on the history of autobiographical discourse in Slovenian cultural space and beyond it from the end of the 18th century to the present. Knjiga je prva monografska in interdisciplinarna obravnava naslovne teme pri nas. Prispevki devetnajstih avtoric in avtorjev jo postavljajo v razvojni kontekst, literarnovedna perspektiva pa je teoretsko in metodološko soočena s filozofskim, historiografskim, etnološkim, sociološkim ter drugimi diskurzi. Konkretizirajo jo vzorčne študije iz zgodovine avtobiografskega diskurza v slovenskem kulturnem prostoru in onkraj njega od konca osemnajstega stoletja do sodobnosti.
autobiography; collective volume; history; interdisciplinary research; literary theory; Slovenia; avtobiografija; interdisciplinarne raziskave; literarna teorija; Slovenija; zborniki; zgodovinaWebshop link
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRCPublication date and place
Ljubljana, 2011Series
Studia litteraria,Classification
Literary theory