ABC migracij
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Mlekuž, Jernej
In ABCs or primers, whichever you prefer, things are more or less clear. As clear as slogans which cannot escape their duty, but must present their content as broadly and deeply as possible in a neutral, unproblematic, non-ironic manner. Well, in that case this ABC of Migrations is an unusual, strange, problematic primer, as it more than politely offers and sardonically appraises, more than informs and problematizes, more than explains and obfuscates. Similarly to the way the handymen Pat and Mat approach their problems in the animated cartoon A je to: the two master builders introduce disorder into the orderly world and the order of things, creating a ramshackle reality. More than fixing and building things, they crumble and destroy them. But in doing so they like it or not also ask us: why couldn’t the world and the things in it be different? V ABC-jih ali abecednikih, kakor vam je ljubše, so stvari bolj ali manj jasne. Prav tako jasne kakor gesla, ki ne smejo begati, temveč predvsem nevtralno, neproblematično, nezbadljivo in čim širše podajati vsebine čim večje širine. Hm, potem pa je ta ABC migracij nenavaden, čuden, problematičen abecednik, saj bolj kot vljudno širi, zbadljivo meri, bolj kot informira, problematizira, bolj kot pojasnjuje, zamegljuje. Podobno kot to s svojimi mojstrovinami počneta mojstra iz risanke A je to. V urejen svet, red stvari mojstra vnašata nered, gradita majavi svet. Bolj kot stvari popravljata in postavljata, jih krušita in rušita. A s tem nas hote ali nehote tudi sprašujeta: zakaj pa ne bi mogli biti svet in stvari v njem drugačni?
demogeography; migrants; migrations; demogeografija; migracije; migrantiWebshop link
9789612542665, 9789612542672Publisher
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRCPublication date and place
Ljubljana, 2011Series
Moj zvezek = Moja sveska = My Workbook,Classification
Migration, immigration and emigration
Relating to migrant groups / diaspora communities or peoples