Modern Flow Analysis

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Koscielniak, Pawel (editor)
Flow analysis is an automatic, precise and fast way to perform analytical tests. Flow instruments are used for clinical and pharmaceutical analyses, quality control of industrial products, monitoring of environmental pollution and many other fields. The book presents the latest methodological, technical and instrumental achievements in flow analysis. It shows new possibilities for the miniaturization and full mechanization of flow systems, together with examples of their interesting application. The proposed solutions contribute to reducing the amount of used reagents and waste, as well as increasing the safety of working with hazardous reagents, resulting in modern devices operating in accordance with the principles of green chemistry. A number of innovative methods of processing and measuring analytical samples have also been described. The book very well reflects the current state of flow analysis and development directions.
cholesterol; serum samples; lab-on-valve; automation; enzymatic reaction; neonicotinoid; thiacloprid; solid-phase spectroscopy; optosensor; luminescence; bioaccessibility; dog food; dog nutrition; dynamic extraction; flow analysis; kinetic profile; zinc; nuclear waste; spent nuclear fuel; ß-emitting nuclides; 90Sr; flow injection; ICP-DRC-MS; flow synthesis; flow reactors; flow-injection analysis; flow techniques; radionuclides; radiochemical separation; environmental monitoring; nuclear emergency preparedness; radioactive waste characterization; medical isotope production; titration; Fe(III), Fe(II) determination; speciation analysis; Lab-In-Syringe; automation of sample pretreatment; potentials and troubles; system setup and operation modes; tips and tricks in method development; 3D printing of instrument elements; histidine; random human urine; zone fluidics; o-phthalaldehyde; derivatization; stopped-flow; fluorimetry; SI-LAV; mono-segmented flow; in-line dilution; in-line single-standard calibration; in-line standard addition; albumin; glucose; creatinine; flow method; chitosan; catalyst particles; micron-size; sampling study; p-nitrophenol reduction; preconcentration; evaporation; sequential injection analysis; paired emitter–detector diode detector; contactless conductivity detector; flow-based analysis; simultaneous detection; sequential detection; flow chemistryWebshop link ...ISBN
9783039367382, 9783039367399Publisher website date and place
Basel, Switzerland, 2020Classification
Research and information: general