Waves in Fluids and Solids
Pico Vila, Ruben (editor)
Acoustics is an discipline that deals with many types of fields wave phenomena. Originally the field of Acoustics was consecrated to the sound, that is, the study of small pressure waves in air detected by the human ear. The scope of this field of physics has been extended to higher and lower frequencies and to higher intensity levels. Moreover, structural vibrations are also included in acoustics as a wave phenomena produced by elastic waves. This book is focused on acoustic waves in fluid media and elastic perturbations in heterogeneous media. Many different systems are analyzed in this book like layered media, solitons, piezoelectric substrates, crystalline systems, granular materials, interface waves, phononic crystals, acoustic levitation and soft media. Numerical methods are also presented as a fourth-order Runge-Kutta method and an inverse scattering method.
Fluid mechanicsDOI
10.5772/752Webshop link
9789533072852, 9789535160533Publisher
IntechOpenPublisher website
https://www.intechopen.com/Publication date and place
Fluid mechanics
Physics: Fluid mechanics