Use of Meta-Heuristic Techniques in Rainfall-Runoff Modelling
Each year, extreme floods, which appear to be occurring more frequently in recent years (owing to climate change), lead to enormous economic damage and human suffering around the world. It is therefore imperative to be able to accurately predict both the occurrence time and magnitude of peak discharge in advance of an impending flood event. The use of meta-heuristic techniques in rainfall-runoff modeling is a growing field of endeavor in water resources management. These techniques can be used to calibrate data-driven rainfall-runoff models to improve forecasting accuracies. This book, being also a Special Issue of the journal Water, is designed to fill the analytical void by including fourteen articles concerning advances in the contemporary use of meta-heuristic techniques in rainfall-runoff modeling. The information and analyses are intended to contribute to the development and implementation of effective hydrological predictions, and thus, of appropriate precautionary measures.
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Environmental economics