New types of Neutrosophic Set/Logic/Probability, Neutrosophic Over-/Under-/Off-Set, Neutrosophic Refined Set, and their Extension to Plithogenic Set/Logic/Probability, with Applications

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Smarandache, Florentin
This book contains 37 papers by 73 renowned experts from 13 countries around the world, on following topics: neutrosophic set; neutrosophic rings; neutrosophic quadruple rings; idempotents; neutrosophic extended triplet group; hypergroup; semihypergroup; neutrosophic extended triplet group; neutrosophic extended triplet semihypergroup and hypergroup; neutrosophic offset; uninorm; neutrosophic offuninorm and offnorm; neutrosophic offconorm; implicator; prospector; n-person cooperative game; ordinary single-valued neutrosophic (co)topology; ordinary single-valued neutrosophic subspace; ?-level; ordinary single-valued neutrosophic neighborhood system; ordinary single-valued neutrosophic base and subbase; fuzzy numbers; neutrosophic numbers; neutrosophic symmetric scenarios; performance indicators; financial assets; neutrosophic extended triplet group; neutrosophic quadruple numbers; refined neutrosophic numbers; refined neutrosophic quadruple numbers; multigranulation neutrosophic rough set; nondual; two universes; multiattribute group decision making; nonstandard analysis; extended nonstandard analysis; monad; binad; left monad closed to the right; right monad closed to the left; pierced binad; unpierced binad; nonstandard neutrosophic mobinad set; neutrosophic topology; nonstandard neutrosophic topology; visual tracking; neutrosophic weight; objectness; weighted multiple instance learning; neutrosophic triangular norms; residuated lattices; representable neutrosophic t-norms; De Morgan neutrosophic triples; neutrosophic residual implications; infinitely ?-distributive; probabilistic neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set; decision-making; Choquet integral; e-marketing; Internet of Things; neutrosophic set; multicriteria decision making techniques; uncertainty modeling; neutrosophic goal programming approach; shale gas water management system.
nonstandard neutrosophic supremum; classical statistics; complex neutrosophic set; neutrosophic offnorm; neutrosophic extended triplet group; multi-attribute decision-making (MADM); neutrosophic time series; refined neutrosophic quadruple numbers; BNHHA aggregation operator; neutrosophic offconorm; monad; matrix representation; left monad closed to the right; implicator; neutrsophic set; neutrosophic correlation; neutrosophic cubic sets; decision-making; MoBiNad set; open and closed monads to the left/right; distance measure; De Morgan neutrosophic triples; group decision making; financial assets; soft expert set; uninorm; multi-attribute group decision making; sampling plan; cubic sets; neutrosophic cubic ordered weighted geometric operator (NCOWG); shale gas water management system; weighted average operator; aggregation operations; quality function deployment; Einstein t-norm; neutrosophic rings; non-standard neutrosophic topology; BNHWA aggregation operator; hypergroup; triangular neutrosophic cubic fuzzy number; pierced and unpierced binads; numerical application; neutrosophic cubic weighted geometric operator (NCWG); relations; extended nonstandard analysis; arithmetic averaging operator; nonstandard reals; Choquet integral; Function approximation; neutrosophic triangular norms; weighted geometric operator; neutrosophic regression; optimization solution; ordinary single valued neutrosophic neighborhood system; smart port; neutrosophic topology; multi-criteria decision making techniques; low-carbon supplier selection; producer’s risk; quasi-completely regular semigroup; score function; MAGDM; multicriteria decision-making; neutrosophic soft rough; NET-hypergroup; refined neutrosophic numbers; neutrosophic logical relationship groups; combined weighted average; TOPSIS; neutrosophic logical relationship; logarithmic aggregation operators; non-standard analysis; multi-attribute decision-making; neutrosophic extended triplet semihypergroup (NET-semihypergroup); aggregation; nonstandard neutrosophic logic; symmetric relation; uncertainty modeling; single valued neutrosophic sets; BNHOWA aggregation operator; ordinary single valued neutrosophic subspace; generalized neutrosophic extended triplet group; multi-attribute decision making; ordinary single valued neutrosophic base; nonstandard arithmetic operations; pierced binad; MCGDM problems; simplified neutrosophic set; residuated lattices; Neutrosophic compound orthogonal neural network; rough set approximation; single-valued neutrosophic linguistic set; binad; multi-granulation neutrosophic rough set; single valued neutrosophic set; infinitesimals; standard reals; soft set; non-standard neutrosophic mobinad set; certainty function; neutrosophic weight; two universes; sample size; n-person cooperative game; paper defect diagnosis; performance indicators; semihypergroup; logarithmic operational laws; right monad closed to the left; idempotents; unpierced binad; neutrosophic cubic hybrid weighted arithmetic and geometric aggregation operator (NCHWAGA); neutrosophic symmetric scenarios; extended nonstandard neutrosophic logic; neutrosophic statistics; neutrosophic goal programming approach; neutrosophic offset; neutrosophic statistical interval method; weighted multiple instance learning; neutrosophic cubic Einstein ordered weighted geometric operator (NCEOWG); fuzzy parameterized single valued neutrosophic soft expert set; single-valued neutrosophic soft number and its operations; Internet of Things; extended non-standard analysis; dietary fat level; soft sets; visual tracking; neutrosophic offuninorm; neutrosophic cubic Einstein weighted geometric operator (NCEWG); ordinary single valued neutrosophic subbase; membership function; non-dual; SVN soft weighted arithmetic averaging operator; Q-neutrosophic set; neutrosophic sets; fuzzy numbers; intuitionistic fuzzy parameters; producer’s risk’; graph representation; exponential similarity measure; infinities; maximizing deviation; Multi-attribute decision making; SVN soft weighted geometric averaging operator; objectness; Q-neutrosophic soft set; accuracy function; consumer’s risk; decision making; Neutrosophic number; clifford semigroup; neutrosophic numbers; neutrosophic residual implications; nonstandard neutrosophic lattices of first type (as poset) and second type (as algebraic structure); covering; e-marketing; nonstandard analysis; neutrosophic quadruple rings; complex neutrosophic soft expert set; single-valued neutrosophic set; neutrosophic cubic soft expert system; neutrosophic cubic soft sets; triangular neutrosophic number; supply chain sustainability metrics; neutrosophic quadruple numbers; ?-level; nonstandard neutrosophic infimum; infinitely ?-distributive; plithogeny; neutrosophic set; fuzzy logic; prospector; Neutrosophic function; representable neutrosophic t-norms; probabilistic neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set (PNHFS); prostate cancer; nonstandard unit interval; port evaluation; simplified neutrosophic hesitant fuzzy set; ordinary single valued neutrosophic (co)topologyISBN
9783039219384, 9783039219391Publisher website date and place
History of engineering and technology