Chapter 1 Samhandling Under Risk (SUR)
Theoretical Foundation as a Common Frame of Reference

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Torgersen, Glenn-Egil
"The main objective of this chapter is to clarify some key and overall theoretical
and conceptual frameworks underlying the research project “Samhandling
Under Risk” (SUR), as discussed in the various chapters of this anthology. The overall
research question is: What are the basic structures of the concept of samhandling under
risk and how can samhandling be created when the conditions are unpredictable?
This chapter explains in particular the terms “samhandling” (SAM), “the Unforeseen”
(UN), “Risk” and “SUR structures”. Furthermore, these concepts are explored more
deeply in relation to each other, which also frames the main approach of the anthology.
As a basis, a specific understanding of “The Nature of the Unforeseen”, an expanded
and customized Bow-tie Model, as well as a clarification of the boundaries
enclosing the research field are compared to traditional risk analysis and training in
what is already known and in dealing with probable threats. Although the individual
studies reported in this anthology also have their own specific angles regarding these
concepts and models, they have nevertheless been based on these. The core focus is
also on learning in the light of organizational learning and SUR. The boundaries, challenges
and the anthology’s focus on learning are also expressed in the more general
and overall question: How can we as a society prepare ourselves for the unforeseen,
the events and threats at the outer reaches of what we have trained for? A more indepth
explanation about the background of this research project is also given in the
preface of the anthology."