Wildlife Trafficking
the illicit trade in wildlife, animal parts, and derivatives
Ege, Gian (editor)
Schloenhardt, Andreas (editor)
Schwarzenegger, Christian (editor)
"Wildlife trafficking threatens the existence of many plant and animal species and accelerates the destruction of wildlife, forests, and other natural resources. It contributes to environmental degradation, destroys unique natural habitats, and deprives many countries and their populations of scarce renewable resources. Nevertheless, preventing and supressing the illegal trade in wildlife, animal parts, and plants is presently not a priority in many countries and it remains overlooked and poorly researched. The chapters included in this volume address causes, characteristics, and actors of wildlife trafficking,
analyse detection methods, and explore different international and national legal frameworks."
cross-border organized crime; illegal trade in protected animal and plant species; DNA analysis; rhino trade; CITES; World Heritage Convention; Grenzüberschreitende Organisierte Kriminalität; nashornhandel; illegaler Handel mit geschützten Tier- und PflanzenartenISBN
Carl Grossmann VerlagPublisher website
www.carlgrossmann.comPublication date and place
Berlin, 2020Series
sui generis,Classification
Criminal law: procedure and offences