Handbook on Craniofacial Superimposition
The MEPROCS Project

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Damas, Sergio
Cordón, Oscar
Ibáñez, Oscar
This open access handbook presents a trustable craniofacial superimposition methodological framework. It includes detailed technical and practical overviews, and discussions about the latest tools and open problems, covering the educational, technical, ethical, and security aspects of this forensic identification technique. The book will be of particular interest to researchers and practitioners in forensic anthropology and forensic ID, and also researchers in computational intelligence. It is the final result of a European project, New Methodologies and Protocols of Forensic Identification by Craniofacial Superimposition (MEPROCS). The project collaborators who contributed to this handbook are: S. Damas, O. Ibáñez, M.I. Huete, T. Kahana, C. Wilkinson, E. Ferguson, C. Erolin, C. Cattaneo, P.T. Jayaprakash, R. Jankauskas, F. Cavalli, K. Imaizumi, R. Vicente, D. Navega, E. Cunha, A.H. Ross, E. Veselovskaya, A. Abramov, P. Lestón, F. Molinero, E. Ruiz, F. Navarro, J. Cardoso, F. Viegas, D. Humpire, R. Hardiman, J. Clement, A. Valsecchi, B.R. Campomanes-Alvarez, C. Campomanes-Alvarez, A.S. Çağdır, T. Briers, M. Steyn, M. Viniero, D.N. Vieira, and O. Cordón. ; Authors among leading researchers and practitioners worldwide Reports successful collaborative project results First comprehensive guide on this important technique Open Access
Computer science; Artificial intelligence; Forensic medicine; Computational intelligence; Forensic science; Health informatics; thema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JK Social services and welfare, criminology::JKV Crime and criminology::JKVF Criminal investigation and detection::JKVF1 Forensic science; thema EDItEUR::M Medicine and Nursing::MK Medical specialties, branches of medicine::MKT Forensic medicine; thema EDItEUR::U Computing and Information Technology::UB Information technology: general topics::UBH Digital and information technologies: Health and safety aspects; thema EDItEUR::U Computing and Information Technology::UY Computer science::UYQ Artificial intelligencePublisher
Springer NaturePublisher website
http://www.springernature.com/oabooksPublication date and place
Cham, 2020Classification
Forensic science
Forensic medicine
Digital and information technologies: Health and safety aspects
Artificial intelligence