
  • Danwerth, Otto; Albani, Benedetta; Duve, Thomas (2019)
    Ecclesiastical institutions and actors were essential for the formation of normative orders in early modern Ibero-America. In a series of seminars, organised by the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History in Mexico ...
  • de Oliveira Coutinho Silva, Luisa Stella; Duve, Thomas; Vogenauer, Stefan (2020)
    This book develops a legal history of colonial women as a methodological approach to studying the women of Paraíba, a captaincy on the northeast coast of Brazil, from the end of the Dutch occupation (1661) to Brazilian ...
  • Aranha, Stephen B.; Auer, Marietta; Duve, Thomas; Vogenauer, Stefan (2022)
    This book examines the process of electoral reform in the Bahamas during the 20th century in the broader context of decolonisation. Beginning with the General Assembly Elections Act of 1919, which reaffirmed a franchise ...

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