ITS Academy: una scommessa vincente?
L’istruzione terziaria professionalizzante in Italia e in Europa
Turri, Matteo (editor)
Higher technical institutes – known in Italy as ITSs (Istituti tecnici superiori) initially, and ITS Academies since 2022 – were ideated 15 years ago to give technical and vocational school graduates more qualified education and work perspectives, with a view to help the Italian economy grow in terms of innovation. ITSs reflect a commitment to make up for the country’s lack of tertiary professional education, which is a major factor in Italy’s ranking among the countries with the lowest ratio of tertiary graduates in Europe. The National Recovery and Resilience Plan itself has allocated remarkable resources to strengthen these institutes.
This Report traces the difficult evolution of ITSs from 2007 to the present, investigates what their future developments may be, and sheds a light on their limits – in terms of size, diffusion and ability to attract students – by comparing them with tertiary professional education models currently in place in France, Germany, Spain and Switzerland Gli ITS (Istituti Tecnici Superiori), dal 2022 ribattezzati ITS Academy, nascono 15 anni fa per dare ai diplomati tecnici e professionali una formazione e prospettive di lavoro più qualificate e per aiutare l’economia italiana a crescere sul piano dell’innovazione. Gli ITS rappresentano il tentativo di rimediare all’assenza di un’istruzione terziaria professionalizzante nel nostro Paese, che in gran parte spiega perché il numero di laureati resti fra i più bassi d’Europa. Lo stesso PNRR ha investito risorse importanti per rafforzarli.
Questo Rapporto ricostruisce la faticosa evoluzione degli ITS dal 2007 a oggi e si interroga sulle loro prospettive, mettendone in luce i limiti – in termini di dimensione, diffusione e capacità di attrazione – attraverso un confronto con i modelli di istruzione terziaria professionalizzante in Francia, Germania, Spagna e Svizzera.
Tertiary Professional Education; Higher Education; Tertiary Education; Vocational Education and Training (VET)ISBN
979-12-5510-064-5, 979-12-5510-066-9, 979-12-5510-068-3Publisher
Milano University PressPublisher website date and place
Milano, 2023-10-05Imprint
Milano University PressClassification
Educational strategies & policy
Educational strategies and policy