Radiation Damage in Biomolecules and Cells

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Ballarini, Francesca (editor)
Carante, Mario Pietro (editor)
The papers collected in this Special Issue deal with the effects of ionizing radiation at molecular and cellular levels, as well as possible applications in medicine and radiation protection. In particular, some works analysed the early stages of the interaction between ionizing radiation and DNA focusing on DNA cluster damage, which is widely considered as an important step towards subsequent endpoints. Other studies investigated the consequences of hypoxia on the evolution of the initial DNA damage, and one work analysed genome-wide DNA alterations in irradiated human cells. Concerning radiation therapy, the response of cancer cells to different radiation types was characterized both in vitro and in vivo, and possible strategies to enhance such response were investigated; furthermore, FLASH radiotherapy was reviewed. In the framework of cancer therapy side effects, the consequences of high doses on gene expression in healthy cells were analyzed, and the RBE (Relative Biological Effectiveness) for late effects in the central nervous system was predicted by the BIANCA biophysical model. Finally, the protective role of melatonin and Vitamin D, as well as hypothermia, was reviewed, valine radiolysis was investigated, the changes in radio-sensitivity of embrios during the early developmental stages of the preimplantation were analyzed, and epigenetic modifications induced by ionizing radiation were reviewed.
glioblastoma multiforme; proton therapy; combined treatments; gene signatures; brain arteriovenous malformation; endothelial cells; ionizing radiation; proteomics; stereotactic radiosurgery; vascular targeting; DNA repair; hypoxia; modeling; radiosensitizer; Monte Carlo simulation; Geant4/Geant4-DNA; X-rays; microdosimetry; nanodosimetry; DSB yield; radiation track chemistry; chemical track structure; oxygen effect; oxygen depletion; ion beam therapy; ROS; superoxide anion; Monte Carlo radiation transport; complex DNA damage coupled with base damage; modelling of DNA damage yields; amino acid; valine; MeV ion irradiation; radiolysis; infrared absorption spectroscopy; destruction cross section; stopping power dependence; carbon ions; radiation-induced damage; chromatin structure; electron microscopy; CLEM; DNA and RNA cytochemistry; Osmium ammine B; ChromEMT; DNA-specific staining; high-dose ionizing radiation; RNA-Seq; differential gene expression; DNA damage response; triple-negative breast cancer; CHK1; Rad51; direct and indirect damage; DMSO; radicals; radical scavengers; Glioblastoma; DNA damage; head-and-neck tumors; ion beam radiotherapy; relative biological effectiveness (RBE); RBE models; protons; Monte Carlo simulations; embryo; gastrulation; preimplantation; apoptosis; glioblastoma; stem cells; metabolism; MRS; photon beams; pencil beam scanning; double scattering; cell survival; radiation doses; repair mechanism; translocation; transition transversion ratio; IR-induced variants; SNVs; InDels; topological associating domains; melatonin; oxidative stress; radioprotection; reactive oxygen species; vitamin D; radiation biology; radiation protection; health effects; epigenetics; low dose radiation; DNA methylation; non-targeted effects; triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC); xenograft mice; microarray; environmental radiation; hibernation; HIF-1; hypothermia; radioresistance; space travel; FLASH; proton beam therapy; radiotherapy; radiobiology; n/aWebshop link
https://mdpi.com/books/pdfview ...ISBN
9783036574875, 9783036574868Publisher website
www.mdpi.com/booksPublication date and place
Basel, 2023Classification
Research and information: general
Biology, life sciences