Power System Dynamic and Stability Issues in Modern Power Systems Facing Energy Transition

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Pisani, Cosimo (editor)
Giannuzzi, Giorgio Maria (editor)
Dynamic stability basically deals with the interactions between the system's components. Following a disturbance, the system's variables undergo transitions that can induce oscillations in active and reactive power generation, resulting in the occurrence of voltage oscillatory modes and frequency deviation in the system. Depending on the entity of the disturbance, the small- or large-signal stability of the system under consideration can be investigated. The introduction of RES-based generation that does not participate in the network services (i.e., frequency and voltage regulation) due to lack of special controls will undoubtedly affect both the overall frequency and voltage stability. Large-scale transient stability is also a concern not to be overlooked: inverter-based wind and solar generation have different angle/speed swing behaviors with respect to traditional generation due to reduced inertia, different voltage swing behaviors due to different voltage control systems, different power flow patterns, and different displacements of synchronous generation at key locations. Therefore, although power system stability and dynamics have played a very central role in the management and study of electrical power systems thus far, it is also true that the emerging scenario requires new methodologies, technologies, and analyses. In this light, the current Special Issue aims to collect contributions (i.e., research papers and review articles) on power system dynamics and stability from experts in academia and industry.
power system stability; inertia estimation; PMU; microgrids; frequency control; grid-forming; 100% converter-interfaced generation; virtual synchronous machine; forced oscillation; inverter-based resources (IBRs); grid vulnerability analysis; active power modulation; virtual inertia; fast frequency measurement; fast frequency regulation; distributed energy resources; ancillary services; power hardware-in-the-loop; legacy resources; large perturbation angle stability; small perturbation angle stability; voltage stability; synthetic inertia; demand response; reactive compensation; power system restoration; primary frequency control; frequency nadir estimation; low inertia systems; real-time dynamic simulation; national power grid; cyber physical system (CPS); co-simulation; battery energy storage system (BESS); energy management system (EMS); load modelling; line modelling; power system analysis; transient stability; small-signal stability; inverter-based resources; modular multilevel converters; primary frequency regulation; battery energy storage system; Ornstein–Uhlenbeck stochastic process; compound poisson stochastic process; frequency stability; rotor angle stability; power system inertia; converter-interfaced generation; renewable power generatorsWebshop link
https://mdpi.com/books/pdfview ...ISBN
9783036560359, 9783036560366Publisher website
www.mdpi.com/booksPublication date and place
Basel, 2022Classification
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology