BIM-Based Life Cycle Sustainability Assessment for Buildings

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Garcia-Martinez, Antonio (editor)
In recent years, the progress of digitization in the architecture and construction sectors has produced enormous advances in the automation of analysis and evaluation processes. This is the case with environmental analysis systems, such as the life cycle analysis. Methodology practitioners have found a fundamental ally in the building information modeling platforms, which allow tasks that conventionally consume large amounts of energy and time to be carried out more automatically and efficiently. In this publication, the reader will find some of the latest advances in this area.
building sustainability assessment (BSA); building information modelling (BIM); sustainability; life cycle assessment (LCA); building information modeling; building information modeling template; BIM library; life cycle assessment; BIM; IoT; integration BIM–IoT; creating database; live data; building information modeling (BIM); environmental impact assessment; building life cycle; integrated design process; digitalization; greenhouse gas emissions; IFC; visualization; performance evaluation; project life cycle; reverse logistics; construction; indicators; management interface; BIM multi-model; BIM-BMS system; optimization; Building Information Modeling (BIM); Life-Cycle Assessment (LCA); building optimization; Industry Founded Classes (IFC); SBToolCZ; social housing management; computerised maintenance management system (CMMS); n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036555201, 9783036555195Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2022Classification
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology