Active Materials for Medical Applications

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Cimpoesu, Nicanor (editor)
Cimpoesu, Ramona (editor)
This Special Issue was proposed by and for engineers, physicists, medical doctors, researchers and scientists. We intend to analyze and discuss different topics on special materials for medical applications. There is great potential in the application of active or smart materials (metallic, polymer or ceramic) for the progression of applications in the medical domain of MEMS, actuators, sensors or functional systems. Active or “smart” materials have the ability to respond to different physical or chemical stimuli in a specific, repeatable mode. The actual activity in the domain, however, presents problems connected to obtaining, processing, characterizing, modeling and simulating or prototyping technologies. This Special Issue focuses on the most recent advances in obtaining and thermal and mechanical processing active materials used in the medical field with enhanced performances.
self-expandable metallic stent; ear canal; cadaver; ear speculum; endoscopy; surfactant; skin barrier function; skin permeability; alkyl structure; magnetic abrasive finishing; FEMM; surface roughness; multi-feed movement; beta-titanium wire; EDS elemental mapping; atomic force microscope; 3D printing; Co–Cr–W; dental materials; SEM; EDS; scratch test; droplet adhesion; profilometry; microhardness; Mg–Ca–Gd alloys; microstructure; electrochemical evaluation; in vitro test; dental bridges; inlays; finite element analysis; orthodontics; healthy and reduced periodontium; bodily movement; mandibular anterior teeth; PLD; turmeric; curcuminoid-silanol films; transdermal patch; demetoxilation; SEM-EDS; LIF; hemp composite; Ti4Al4Zr; HA; electrophoresis; corrosion; biodegradable; Zn; microscratch; n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036552675, 9783036552682Publisher website date and place
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology
Materials science