Advanced Technology of Waste Treatment

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Vollprecht, Daniel (editor)
Sarc, Renato (editor)
The protection of human health and the environment (representing the main reason for waste management), as well as the sustainable use of natural resources, requires chemical, biological, physical and thermal treatment of wastes. This refers to the conditioning (e.g., drying, washing, comminution, rotting, stabilization, neutralization, agglomeration, homogenization), conversion (e.g., incineration, pyrolysis, gasification, dissolution, evaporation), and separation (classification, direct and indirect (i.e., sensor-based) sorting) of all types of wastes to follow the principles of the waste hierarchy (i.e., prevention (not addressed by this issue), preparation for re-use, recycling, other recovery, and disposal). Longstanding challenges include the increase of yield and purity of recyclable fractions and the sustainable removal or destruction of contaminants from the circular economy.This Special Issue on “Advanced Technology of Waste Treatment” of Processes collects high-quality research studies addressing challenges on the broad area of chemical, biological, physical and thermal treatment of wastes.
selective Cu(II) separation; sustainable waste treatment; municipal solid waste; polymer-assisted ultrafiltration; real fly ash extracts; urban mining; pilot installation; MSWI fly ash; properties of fly ash; acid leaching; heavy metal recovery; marine litter; waste treatment; plastic waste; pyrolysis; gasification; incineration; thermogravimetric analysis; biotechnological upcycling; plastics recycling; feedstock recycling; plastic pyrolysis; lumped modeling; kinetic modeling; ReOil; risk modelling; portable batteries; lithium batteries; fire hazards; waste management; lithium-ion-batteries; pyrometallurgical recycling; carbothermal reduction; wood ash treatment; chromate reduction; hot alkaline extraction; recycling; refractory; regenerate; electrodynamic fragmentation; innovative process; process optimization; enhanced landfill mining; NEW-MINE; particle size distribution; compositional data analysis; simplex; isometric log-ratios; multivariate multiple linear regression; mechanical processing; commercial waste; shredder; chemical recycling; wet-mechanical processing; polyolefins; circular economy; WEEE; recovery of aromatics; oil upgrading; dehalogenation; hydrothermal carbonization; sewage sludge; phosphorus recovery; hydrochar; process-water; pH; mixed waste; municipal waste; recovery; contaminants; plastics; digitalisation; smart waste factory; n/aISBN
9783036537559, 9783036537566Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2022Classification
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology