Land Perspectives: People, Tenure, Planning, Tools, Space, and Health

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Chigbu, Uchendu Eugene (editor)
Chen, Ruishan (editor)
Ye, Chao (editor)
Good land administration and spatial enablement help to improve people’s living conditions in urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. They protect people’s land rights (including of individuals, communities, and the state) through good governance principles and practices. This makes research concerning land administration practices and geographic (spatial) sciences—whether in developed or developing countries—essential to developing tools or methods for securing natural resource rights for people. In the time of COVID-19, understanding the land and health or wellbeing nexus is also crucial for adequate living conditions for people in living urban, peri-urban, and rural areas. This Special Issue comprises 15 articles (including the editorial) that present insights on theories and practices on land administration and geographic (spatial) sciences in the context of land/water/forest–people–health–wellbeing nexus.
urban land; urban cadaster; performance evaluation; land management; Ethiopia; women empowerment; sustainable local development; food-handling sector; horticultural sector; land dispute; customary land tenure; statutory land tenure; tenure security; Ghana; sub-Saharan Africa; new-type urbanization; rural revitalization; urban bias; integration; urban–rural relation; research framework; health; urban health; land tenure; urban planning; social determinants; land tenure security and health nexus; environmental justice; land use; rural development; rural land use; remote work; coworking spaces; digitization; urban-rural divide; town center revitalization; cadastral system; cadastral information; institutional merger; land right; institutions; values-led approaches; values; methodology; land-use; spatial planning; land administration; values-led planning; spatial development; land use change; urbanization; environmental pollution; health risks; agricultural land transition; groundnut basin; Senegal; dispute resolution; peri-urban; geographical indication; agrarian systems; economic sociology; cultural hegemony; agri-food complexity; critical theory; market transition; urban housing; time factor; resource allocation; land register; digitalization; standardization; service delivery; governance; structural equation model; n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036538839, 9783036538846Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2022Classification
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology