Energy Planning

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Gielen, Dolf (editor)
The world needs an accelerated energy transition to meet sustainable development goals. Energy planning has a critical role in providing the information that can guide decision-makers, and energy planning methods continue to evolve rapidly. This Special Issue provides new insights for long-term energy planning, drawing on the Clean Energy Ministerial Long Term Energy Planning Scenarios initiative and the IRENA LTES network.
climate change; Paris Agreement; 100% renewable energy; 1.5 °C mitigation pathway; energy transition; energy scenario; GHG mitigation; CO2 emission; non-energy emission; open access book; chemical and petrochemical sector; decarbonisation; renewable energy; circular economy; electrification; material flow analysis; hydropower; electric transport; energy modeling; ELENA; urbs; Ecuador; decarbonization; INDC; LEAP; long-term scenarios; GHG inventory; power system expansion; co-optimization of energy and reserve; associated natural gas; multi-stage stochastic programming; electricity-gas integration; regulation; Brazil; Mexico; renewables; reliability; generation system expansion; efficient energy planning; energy systems modelling; scenario analysis; TIMES-Ukraine; paris agreement; energy efficiency; I-LTS; energy scenarios; 2050 carbon neutrality; energy planning; TIMES model; net-zero emission; decomposition analysis; mitigation; integrated assessment; shared socioeconomic pathways; scenarios; climate adaptation; adaptive capacity; solar power plants; thematic analysis; long-term energy scenarios (LTES); site selection; power purchase agreement; greenhouse gas emissions; Ghana road transport; energy demand model; biofuel integration; arable land requirement; lifestyle; climate change mitigation; LTES; long-term energy scenarios; energy modelling; clean energy transition; climate scenarios; n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036539874, 9783036539881Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2022Classification
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology