Agricultural Innovation and Sustainable Development

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Blakeney, Michael (editor)
This book deals with sustainable agriculture at a time of climate change. It seeks to identify a number of solutions to deal with the agricultural stresses caused by climate change. These range from the identification and cultivation of appropriate crop varieties and the adoption of climate adaptive agricultural practices. Significant sustainable agricultural innovation is required to deal with these challenges. Intellectual property rights (IPRs) may be of crucial importance for modern agriculture. They serve to make R&D in agriculture attractive, by encouraging investment in new technologies and generating tradeable assets. A number of the chapters of this book refer to the principal IPRs relevant to agricultural innovation, namely: (i) patents, which protect inventions; (ii) plant variety rights, which protect the breeding of new and distinct plant varieties; and (iii) trademarks and geographical indications, which facilitate the marketing of products by providing protection for the symbols of their manufacturing or geographic origin. The United Nations Climate Change Panel has urged the consideration of the agricultural practices of traditional communities and some of these practices particularly involving rice, banana, and brassica cultivation are explored in the book. This book is essential reading for officials of governments and international organizations concerned with sustainability, as well as scholars and students concerned with these subjects
alternative energy source; Ethiopian mustard; sustainability; agricultural green development; entropy weight method; spatial heterogeneity; spatial spillover effect; China; rice yields; climate change; phenology; relative contribution; partial correlation; seed security; banana tissue culture planting material; uptake; banana farmers; central Uganda; traditional rice economics; institutional; socio-demographic factors; multinomial logit model; constraints; China-Africa cooperation; agricultural program; agricultural training; technology adoption; dams; agriculture; livelihoods; health; schistosomiasis; restoration; sustainable development; climate adaptation; rice–wheat cropping system; South Asia; water requirements; nitrogen; direct seeding; agricultural science, technology and innovation; Innovation efficiency; DEA; G20; productivity; efficiency; food security; digital agriculture; smart farming; digitalization; digital technologies; Middle East and North Africa; decision making; instrumental variable; neighbourhood effects; rice farmers; risk attitudes; spatial dependence; agricultural innovation; sustainable agriculture; plant breeding; cereals; intellectual property; agricultural law; plant variety rights; seed marketing; European Union; fertilizer; knowledge; attitude; ease of use; motivation; work performance; n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036534473, 9783036534480Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2022Classification
Research and information: general
Biology, life sciences
Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes