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dc.contributor.authorŠtrekelj, Karel
dc.contributor.otherOgrin, Matija
dc.contributor.otherDolinar, Darko
dc.contributor.otherDovjak, Rok
dc.contributor.otherPahovnik, Neža
dc.description.abstractIn the years 1899–1901,Karel Štrekelj (1859–1912) held a course on Slovenian literature at the University of Graz. These are the first university lectures on Slovenian literature in the Slovenian language, published in two volumes. However, Štrekelj's history is more than this: it is a monumental, classically balanced synthesis of all the former knowledge of Slovenian literature, given against rich historical, social, and linguistic backgrounds.The present book includes volumes three and four of Štrekelj’s manuscript in a historically faithful, critical and annotated copy. Štrekelj opens a surprisingly fresh, original view of the era of Prešeren and Bleiweis, as well as the period up to the end of the 19th century, focusing on a series of major and minor figures, some of whom are almost forgotten today. He presents this period, in which there was no lack of disputes and disagreements, from a higher perspective: he attempts to explain each individual in the light of his or her own endeavours in the historical period, and to demonstrate the essence of his or her contribution to Slovenian literature. In so doing, Karel Štrekelj stands high above not only the internal disputes of individual writers in Slovenian literature, but also the ideological battles that later literary historians admitted to their literary histories through wide open doors.
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AG Slavic (Slavonic) languages::2AGV Slovenianen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::D Biography, Literature and Literary studies::DS Literature: history and criticism::DSB Literary studies: generalen_US
dc.subject.otherSlovenian literary history
dc.subject.otherSlovenian literature
dc.subject.otherslovenska književnost
dc.subject.otherslovenska literarna zgodovina
dc.titleZgodovina slovenskega slovstva III–IV
dc.title.alternativeZnanstvena izdaja
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageKarel Štrekelj (1859–1912) je imel na univerzi v Gradcu v letih 1899–1901 predavanja o slovenski literaturi. To so prva univerzitetna predavanja o slovenski književnosti v slovenskem jeziku. Hkrati je Štrekljeva Zgodovina več kot to: je monumentalna, klasično uravnotežena sinteza vse dotedanje vednosti o slovenskem slovstvu, podana na bogatem ozadju zgodovinskega, socialnega in zlasti jezikovnega razvoja. Ta knjiga prinaša III. in IV. del Štrekljevega rokopisa v historično zvestem, kritičnem in komentiranem prepisu. Štrekelj odpira v knjigi presenetljivo svež pogled na Prešernovo in Bleiweisovo dobo ter čas do izteka 19. stoletja z vrsto velikih in manjših, danes skoraj pozabljenih osebnosti. Čas, v katerem ni manjkalo sporov in nesoglasij, Štrekelj prikaže z višje perspektive: vsako osebnost skuša pojasniti v luči njenih lastnih prizadevanj v zgodovinskem času in prikazati bralcu, v čem je njen prispevek k slovenskemu slovstvu. S tem stoji Karel Štrekelj visoko nad notranjimi spori ne le posameznih pisateljev v naši književnosti, ampak tudi visoko nad ideološkimi boji, ki so jim poznejši literarni zgodovinarji odprli vrata v svoje literarne zgodovine.

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