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dc.contributor.authorMihajlov, Nikolaj
dc.contributor.otherPetrič, Nejc
dc.contributor.otherKropej Telban, Monika
dc.description.abstractThis book by the renowned Russian linguist and semiotician Nikolai Mikhailov [Николай Александрович Михайлов] (1967–2010) is now published posthumously, more than ten years after his death. Presented is analytic overview of numerous past studies on Slavic and Balto-Slavic mythology. Included are works written by scholars of Slavic mythology based on written sources as well as on findings from folklore, linguistics, and archaeology. The first analysed is the work of the Lusatian-Serbian author Michael Frenzl on Slavic idols, which was written as early as 1691 but not published until 1719. It is followed by treatises and monographs that span across three centuries. The so-called original sources (reports of chroniclers, archaeological sources) may be incomplete and obscure, yet they are in this book again critically analysed. The author reconstructed the mythology of various Slavic nations partly also through the remnants of paganism that have survived to this day in various and often highly modified forms.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesStudia Mythologica Slavica Supplementa
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::2 Language qualifiers::2A Indo-European languages::2AG Slavic (Slavonic) languagesen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::J Society and Social Sciences::JB Society and culture: general::JBG Popular beliefs and controversial knowledge::JBGB Folklore studies / Study of myth (mythology)en_US
dc.subject.otherBalto-Slavic mythology
dc.subject.otherOld Slavic sources
dc.subject.otherSlavic mythology
dc.subject.otherbaltoslovanska mitologija
dc.subject.otherslovanska mitologija
dc.subject.otherstaroslovanski viri
dc.titleZgodovina slovanske mitologije v XX. stoletju
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageKnjiga priznanega ruskega jezikoslovca in semiotika Nikolaja Aleksandroviča Mihajlova [Николай Александрович Михайлов] (1967–2010) je izšla posthumno kar deset let po njegovi smrti. V njej je podan dober pregled številnih raziskav slovanske in baltoslovanske mitologije. Predstavljena so dela, ki so jih pisali proučevalci slovanske mitologije tako na podlagi pisnih kot tudi folklornih, jezikoslovnih in arheoloških virov. Njihovo vrsto začenja delo lužiškosrbskega avtorja Michaela Frenzla o slovanskih malikih, ki je bilo napisano že leta 1691, objavljeno pa šele leta 1719. Sledijo razprave in monografije, ki se vrstijo skozi tri stoletja. Prvotni viri (poročila kronistov in letopiscev) so sicer nepopolni in nejasni, vendar so v tej knjigi ponovno kritično analizirani. Poleg tega je skozi prežitke poganstva rekonstruirana tudi mitologija različnih slovanskih narodov in predstavljena njihova mitsko-ritualistična dediščina.
oapen.series.numberSupplementum 16

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