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dc.contributor.editorPavšek, Miha
dc.contributor.otherVolk Bahun, Manca
dc.contributor.otherMarkošek, Janez
dc.contributor.otherOrtar, Jaka
dc.contributor.otherPavšek, Miha
dc.contributor.otherPoredoš, Aleš
dc.contributor.otherVolontar, Klemen
dc.description.abstractSnow season 2012/13 in SloveniaSlovenia is also among the countries which are endangered by avalanches. They cause on a yearly average 1–2 victims, mainly in the highlands. Once, the victims were mostly locals, but within the last decades, it is now predominantly mountaineers. To avoid avalanche accidents, prevention measurements are very important. Their consistent part is also the flashback of each snow season. Since there is no avalanche service in Slovenia - its annual task is also the preparation of such an overview, we decided do it within the frame of a project NH-WF/Natural Hazards without Frontiers. In this, between years 2012 and 2014, we regularly prepared and published an experimental local avalanche bulletin for Middle Karavanks (northern Slovenia). Along with the work on this bulletin, we realized, how important cooperation is between the different stakeholders within the field of avalanche protection. This edition is the first complete overview of avalanche events and incidents in the snow season – from a weather review, through all the overall characteristics of snow seasons and avalanche events, as well as a methodically unified analysis of all fatal incidents. We added, at the end, a reflection about the season, made by an avalanche practitioner and a short presentation of a NH-WF project.
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Sloveniaen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::R Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning::RG Geography::RGB Physical geography and topography::RGBS Mountains and uplandsen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::R Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning::RB Earth sciences::RBK Hydrology and the hydrosphereen_US
dc.subject.othercollective volume
dc.subject.othermountain accidents
dc.subject.othernatural disasters
dc.subject.othersnow avalanches
dc.subject.otherweather conditions
dc.subject.othergorske nesreče
dc.subject.othernaravne nesreče
dc.subject.othersnežni plazovi
dc.subject.othervremenske razmere
dc.titleSnežna sezona 2012/2013 v Sloveniji
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageSlovenija je tudi med tistimi državami, ki jih ogrožajo snežni plazovi. V povprečju povzročijo plazovi 1–2 žrtvi na snežno sezono, večinoma v vzpetih pokrajinah, zlasti visokogorskih. Če so bili nekdaj med žrtvami domačini, pa so v zadnjih desetletjih med njimi predvsem obiskovalci gora. Za preprečevanje lavinskih nesreč je zato izjemnega pomena preventiva, katere sestavni del sta tudi pregled vsakokratne sezone. Ker pri nas ni lavinske službe, katere vsakoletna temeljna naloga je tudi priprava takšnega poročila, smo se za to odločili v okviru projekta NH‑WF/Naravne nesreče brez meja. Tu smo med letoma 2012–14 med drugim pripravljali in objavljali tudi poskusni krajevni lavinski bilten za Srednje Karavanke. Ob tem smo spoznali, kako pomembno je sodelovanje deležnikov, ki se ukvarjajo s problematiko varstva in zaščite pred snežnimi plazovi. Publikacija predstavlja prvi celoviti pregled snežne sezone - od sezonskega pregleda vremena, prek splošnih značilnosti snežne sezone in lavinskih dogodkov ter metodološko poenotene analize vseh usodnih nesreč. Na koncu smo dodali še razmišljanje lavinskega praktika po sezoni 2012/13 in kratko predstavitev projekta NH-WF.

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