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dc.contributor.authorDular, Janez
dc.contributor.otherHenningsen, Wilhelma
dc.contributor.otherKorošec, Tamara
dc.contributor.otherBelak, Mateja
dc.contributor.otherTecco Hvala, Sneža
dc.contributor.otherKnific Lunder, Dragica
dc.contributor.otherValoh, Drago
dc.description.abstractThe monograph presents the settlement of north-eastern Slovenia during the Late Bronze Age. It is divided into three parts. The first brings an analysis of the settlements, cemeteries, hoards and stray finds, i.e. all the structures that define the cultural landscape. The analysis shows a relatively dense habitation in the Early Bronze Age, followed first by a lull and then a peak, with the settlement network becoming densest towards the end of the second millennium BC.This is followed by a discussion on the typochronology of the pottery from the Bronze Age settlements at Ormož, Ptuj and Gornja Radgona.The last chapter of the first part offers an overview of the Late Bronze Age in north-eastern Slovenia and presents the living conditions, the process of forming centres, the economic basis as well as the contacts with distant places.The second and third parts of the book present the field investigations and finds from Grajski grič in Ptuj and Grajski hrib in Gornja Radgona. These two important hilltop settlements represented, together with the fortified settlement at Ormož, important Bronze Age centres in the settlement network of north-eastern Slovenia.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesOpera Instituti Archaeologici Sloveniae
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Sloveniaen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NK Archaeology::NKD Archaeology by period / regionen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::3 Time period qualifiers::3B Prehistoryen_US
dc.subject.otherarchaeological finds
dc.subject.otherarchaeological sites
dc.subject.otherBronze Age
dc.subject.otherLate Bronze Age
dc.subject.othernortheastern Slovenia
dc.subject.otherprehistoric archaeological remains
dc.subject.otherarheološka najdišča
dc.subject.otherarheološke najdbe
dc.subject.otherbronasta doba
dc.subject.othermlajša bronasta doba
dc.subject.otherprazgodovinske arheološke ostaline
dc.subject.otherseverovzhodna Slovenija
dc.titleSeverovzhodna Slovenija v pozni bronasti dobi = Nordostslowenien in der späten Bronzezeit
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageMonografija, ki je razdeljena na tri dele, obravnava poselitev severovzhodne Slovenije v pozni bronasti dobi. Analizirana so naselja, grobišča, depoji in posamične najdbe, torej vse tiste strukture, ki dajejo pečat kulturni pokrajini. Po razmeroma močni obljudenosti v starejši bronasti dobi, je v srednji bronasti dobi nastopilo zatišje, poselitvena mreža pa se je zopet zgostila proti koncu 2. tisočletja pr. Kr., ko naštejemo na tem območju največ najdišč.Drugi sklop je posvečen tipokronologiji keramičnega posodja iz bronastodobnih naselij v Ormožu, Ptuju in Gornji Radgoni.V zaključnem poglavju prvega dela publikacije je podan celovit pogled na pozno bronasto dobo severovzhodne Slovenije. Predstavljena je bivalna kultura, proces nastanka središč, gospodarske osnove ter stiki z oddaljenimi kraji.V drugem in tretjem delu monografije so objavljeni terenski izvidi in najdbe z Grajskega griča na Ptuju in Grajskega hriba v Gornji Radgoni. Gre za pomembni višinski naselji, ki sta v pozni bronasti dobi skupaj z utrjenim Ormožem predstavljali pomembna središča v poselitveni mreži severovzhodne Slovenije.

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