Poznogotski krilni oltar v cerkvi sv. Križa v Kojskem (1515) in življenje v Brdih v 16. stoletju

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Kolenc, Petra (editor)
Makuc, Neva (editor)
Cerkovnik, Gašper (other)
Gomiršek, Tanja (other)
Makuc, Neva (other)
Peskar, Robert (other)
Ščukovt, Andrejka (other)
Šrimpf, Katarina (other)
The scientific monograph (' Late Gothic winged altar of St. Cross of Kojsko (1515) and life in the Brda region of the 16th century') is dedicated to the 500 th anniversary of the unique late Gothic winged altar which dates back to 1515. The anniversary has offered numerous opportunities to illuminate the importance of this medieval cultural monument, which boasts not only Goriška Brda, but all Slovenia. Individual contributions in the book deal with the broader historical and social context of life in the Brda region of the 16th century. Znanstvena monografija je posvečena 500-letnici edinstvenega poznogotskega krilnega oltarja iz leta 1515. Obletnica je ponudila številne priložnosti za osvetlitev pomembnosti tega srednjeveškega kulturnega spomenika, s katerim se ponašajo ne samo Goriška Brda, ampak vsa Slovenija. Posamezni prispevki v knjigi obravnavajo tudi širši družbeno zgodovinski okvir življenja v Brdih v 16. stoletju.
16th century; altars; church architecture; Church of St. Cross; everyday life; Goriška Brda; historical surveys; Kojsko; 16. st.; Cerkev sv. križa; cerkvena arhitektura; oltarji; vsakdanje življenje; zgodovinski preglediWebshop link
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRCPublication date and place
Ljubljana, 2016Classification
History of art
Architecture: religious buildings