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dc.contributor.authorKovač, Marko
dc.description.abstractThe book (' The Energy Needs Of Humanity Through Time: From The Industrial Revolution To Type I Civilization') is about global consumption of energy and its impact on our planet. Energy demand is a quite dynamic phenomenon and depends heavily on technological development, which is particularly evident during industrial revolutions, which had improved the quality of life for the inhabitants, but lead to increase in energy consumption. However~the economic progress did not account for tangible physical limits of our planet, which manifested in rise in greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere and a rapid increase in average annual global temperature. The consequences of this type of behavior are clear – future global warming, rising sea levels and direct threat to vast, low-lying areas, as well as a rapid increase in the number and consequences of extreme weather events such as storms, prolonged rainfall, and the like. A path toward less energy intense future requires rapid reductions of fossil fuels usage but also a radical shift towards larger energy efficiency. The book is intended as a source of key data showing how we have arrived at the current state of energy consumption and understanding of climate change.
dc.relation.ispartofseriesProstor, kraj, čas
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::N History and Archaeology::NH History::NHT History: specific events and topics::NHTK Industrialisation and industrial historyen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::K Economics, Finance, Business and Management::KN Industry and industrial studies::KNB Energy industries and utilitiesen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::R Earth Sciences, Geography, Environment, Planning::RN The environment::RNP Pollution and threats to the environmenten_US
dc.subject.otherclimate change
dc.subject.otherenergy sources
dc.subject.otherfossil fuels
dc.subject.otherhuman environment
dc.subject.otherindustrial revolution
dc.subject.otherrenewable energy
dc.subject.otherčlovekovo okolje
dc.subject.otherenergetski viri
dc.subject.otherfosilna goriva
dc.subject.otherindustrijska revolucija
dc.subject.otherobnovljivi viri energije
dc.subject.otherpodnebne spremembe
dc.titleEnergetske potrebe človeštva skozi čas
dc.title.alternativeOd industrijske revolucije do civilizacije tipa I
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageKnjiga govori o globalni porabi energije in njenem vplivu na planet. Energetske potrebe so izrazito dinamičen pojav, ki je odvisen od tehnološkega razvoja, kar je najbolj opazno skozi industrijske revolucije, v katerih novi izdelki in tehnologije, ki načeloma izboljšujejo kakovost življenja prebivalcem, hkrati tudi povečujejo porabo energije. Ob vedno večjem gospodarskemu napredku ne upoštevamo fizikalnih omejitev našega planeta, zato narašča količina toplogrednih plinov v ozračju, razmeroma hitro se povečujejo povprečne letne temperature planeta. Posledice takšnega delovanja tudi v prihodnje so jasne – nadaljnje segrevanje planeta, porast gladine morja in neposredna ogroženost obširnih nižje ležečih območij, hitro povečevanje števila izjemnih vremenskih dogodkov z vse hujšimi posledicami, kot so viharji, dolgotrajna deževja in podobno. Prehod v energetsko manj intenzivno prihodnost zahteva hitro radikalno odpoved fosilnim gorivom, a tudi precejšnje znižanje porabe vse energije. Knjiga vsebuje ključne podatki, ki kažejo, kako smo prišli do današnje stopnje porabe energije in razumevanja podnebnih sprememb.

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