Domači odzivi na globalne izzive

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Ciglič, Rok (editor)
Komac, Blaž (editor)
Logar, Erik (editor)
Zorn, Matija (editor)
Volk Bahun, Manca (other)
Bajec, Boštjan (other)
Kajfež Bogataj, Lučka (other)
Cegnar, Tanja (other)
Ciglič, Rok (other)
Črepinšek, Zalika (other)
Dolenc, Eva (other)
Gosar, Andrej (other)
Grlj, Aleš (other)
Hrvatin, Mauro (other)
Jeraj, Julij (other)
Banovec Juroš, Katja (other)
Juvan, Jelena (other)
Kokalj, Žiga (other)
Komac, Blaž (other)
Kovačič, Uroš (other)
Malešič, Marjan (other)
Ogris, Nikica (other)
Pogačar, Tjaša (other)
Polič, Marko (other)
Slabe, Damjan (other)
Svetina, Matija (other)
Šlebir, Miha (other)
Šturm, Tomaž (other)
Vovk, Petra (other)
Zorn, Matija (other)
The volume (‘Domestic Responses to Global Challenges’) contains fourteen chapters dealing with natural disasters. The chapters describe research findings and examples of the use of modern technologies in cases of natural disasters, with the focus on local responses to global challenges. The volume covers various topics such as earthquakes, draughts, heat waves, floods and avalanches, as well as responses and communication during natural disasters. V knjigi je štirinajst poglavij s področja naravnih nesreč. V poglavjih so opisana raziskovalna spoznanja ter primeri uporabe sodobnih tehnologij v primeru naravnih nesreč, s poudarkom na domačih odzivih na globalne izzive. Knjiga vsebuje različne teme, kot so na primer potresi, suše, vročinski valovi, poplave, snežni plazovi ter odzivanje in komuniciranje v primeru naravnih nesreč.
natural disasters; Slovenia; collective volume; elementarne nesreče; Slovenija; zbornikiWebshop link
9789610502661, 978961052678, 9789610502678Publisher
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRCPublication date and place
Ljubljana, 2020Series
Naravne nesreče, 5Classification
Climate change