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dc.contributor.editorKovačič, Mojca
dc.contributor.editorLičen, Daša
dc.contributor.editorPisk, Marjeta
dc.contributor.editorTomazin, Andrej
dc.contributor.otherEsteves, Sandra
dc.contributor.otherJónsdóttir, Pálína
dc.contributor.otherKalnein, Marlene
dc.contributor.otherKovačič, Mojca
dc.contributor.otherLičen, Daša
dc.contributor.otherLöscher, Oliver
dc.contributor.otherMarcinek, Ewa
dc.contributor.otherPinto, Artur
dc.contributor.otherPisk, Marjeta
dc.contributor.otherTalukder, Shamim
dc.contributor.otherTomazin, Andrej
dc.contributor.otherWeigl, Aron
dc.description.abstractThe baseline survey on multilingual and transdisciplinary urban arts education is the result of the first part of the UrbArt project, which supports low-skilled adults in marginalized communities with urban arts activities and educational approaches. The aim of the baseline survey was to identify national and transnational needs and challenges related to marginalization in culture and education, as well as performance indicators for urban arts education, taking into account the concepts of transdisciplinarity and multilingualism. Five partner countries from Austria, Iceland, Portugal, Slovenia and the United Kingdom participated in the study. The survey involved people working as education providers or arts workshops in the areas covered by the project and asked them to share their experiences, describe their needs and challenges, and identify problems they face in their work with deprivileged or marginalized people or communities. Questionnaires, interviews and focus groups based on the same starting points formed the methodological basis. The publication presents the processes and outcomes of the work, concludes with key findings at European level and makes recommendations for the potential of social access and empowerment of deprivileged and marginalized adult individuals and communities through urban arts education.
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::1 Place qualifiers::1D Europe::1DX Southeast Europe::1DXV Sloveniaen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::Y Children’s, Teenage and Educational::YP Educational material::YPA Educational: Arts, general::YPAB Educational: Art and designen_US
dc.titleBaseline Survey on Multilingual and Transdisciplinary Urban Arts Education
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageIzhodiščna raziskava o večjezičnem in transdisciplinarnem izobraževanju urbane umetnosti je rezultat prvega dela projekta UrbArt s katerim podpiramo nizkokvalificirane odrasle v marginaliziranih skupnostih z dejavnostmi in koncepti izobraževanja v okvirih urbane umetnosti. Namen izhodiščne raziskave je bil opredeliti nacionalne in nadnacionalne potrebe in izzive, povezane z marginalizacijo na področju kulture in izobraževanja, ter kazalnike uspešnosti, povezane z urbano umetnostno vzgojo, ob upoštevanju konceptov transdisciplinarnosti in večjezičnosti. V raziskavi je sodelovalo pet partnerskih držav iz Avstrije, Islandije, Portugalske, Slovenije in Velike Britanije. V raziskavo smo vključili ljudi, ki delajo kot ponudniki izobraževanj ali umetniških delavnic na področjih, ki jih obravnava projekt, in jih pozvali, da delijo svoje izkušnje, opišejo svoje potrebe in izzive ter opredelijo težave, s katerimi se srečujejo pri svojem delu z depriviligiranimi ali marginaliziranimi posamezniki oziroma skupnostmi. Metodološka osnova so bili vprašalniki, intervjuji in fokusne skupine, ki so temeljili na enakih izhodiščih. Publikacija ('Izhodiščna raziskava o večjezičnem in transdisciplinarnem izobraževanju urbane umetnosti') predstavlja procese in rezultate dela, v zaključku povzame ključne ugotovitve na evropski ravni ter vključuje priporočila za potenciale socialnega dostopa in krepitev vloge depriviligiranih in marginaliziranih odraslih posameznikov in skupnosti s pomočjo izobraževanja urbane umetnosti.

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