Airborne laser scanning raster data visualization
A Guide to Good Practice
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Hesse, Ralf
Kokalj, Žiga
This guide provides an insight into a range of visualization techniques for high-resolution digital elevation models (DEMs). It is provided in the context of investigation and interpretation of various types of historical and modern, cultural and natural small-scale relief features and landscape structures. It also provides concise guidance for selecting the best techniques when looking at a specific type of landscape and/or looking for particular kinds of forms.The three main sections – descriptions of visualization techniques, guidance for selection of the techniques, and visualization tools – accompany examples of visualizations, exemplar archaeological and geomorphological case studies, a glossary of terms, and a list of references and recommendations for further reading. The structure facilitates people of different academic background and level of expertise to understand different visualizations, how to read them, how to manipulate the settings in a calculation, and choose the best suited for the purpose of the intended investigation.A smaller amount of books is also available in hardcover (ISBN 978-961-05-0011-7, 24 EUR). Monografija nudi vpogled v nabor tehnik prikaza visokoločljivih modelov višin. Napisana je v kontekstu preučevanja in interpretacije različnih tipov zgodovinskih in modernih, kulturnih in naravnih majhnih reliefnih oblik. Daje jedrnate napotke za izbiro najboljših tehnik prikaza določenih tipov pokrajine in izrazitih oblik.Tri glavna poglavja – opis tehnik prikazovanja digitalnih modelov višin, napotki za njihovo izbiro in orodja za izračun prikazov –, spremljajo izbrani primeri tipičnih arheoloških in geomorfoloških študij, slovarček pojmov ter seznam literature in priporočenega branja. Posameznikom z različnih znanstvenih področij in z različnim predznanjem o tematiki je struktura v pomoč pri razumevanju različnih tehnik prikazov, kako jih brati, kako izbrati prave nastavitve pri njihovem izračunu in kako prepoznati najbolj primerne za namen zasnovane raziskave.
case studies; digital heights model; geodetic measurements; geodetic methods; geographical typology; landscapes; laser scanning; laser techniques; lidar; manuals; relief forms; remote sensing; settings; spatial data; technics; tools; visualization; daljinsko zaznavanje; digitalni model višin; geodetska merjenja; geodetske metode; geografska tipologija; krajine; laserska tehnika; lasersko skeniranje; nastavitve; orodja; priročniki; prostorski podatki; reliefne oblike; študije primerov; tehnika; vizualizacijaWebshop link
9789610500124, 9789612549848Publisher
ZRC SAZU, Založba ZRCPublication date and place
Ljubljana, 2017Series
Prostor, kraj, čas, 14Classification
Geographical information systems, geodata and remote sensing