New Trends in Lithium Niobate
From Bulk to Nanocrystals

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Corradi, Gábor (editor)
Kovács, László (editor)
The present volume “New Trends in Lithium Niobate: From Bulk to Nanocrystals” contains the materials of a Special Issue of the MDPI journal Crystals dedicated to the memory of Prof. Dr. Ortwin F. Schirmer and provides a new synopsis of his research focusing on LiNbO3. It also includes recent developments, exemplifying the continued interest in this outstanding ferroelectric, non-linear optical and holographic crystal as a workhorse for testing and realizing new ideas and applications.This book starts with reviews on intrinsic and extrinsic crystal defects in LiNbO3 of single-crystal, thin-film or nano-powder forms, studied by various optical, magnetic resonance and nuclear methods, clarifying in particular the reasons for the suppression of anion vacancy formation upon thermal reduction, mechano-chemical processing or irradiations of various types. The reviews are followed by research papers on the experimental and theoretical investigation of small polarons, together with recent results on the properties of Li(Nb,Ta)O3 mixed crystals. Among the various contributions dealing with nonlinear optical applications, papers on device development, entangled photon pair generation and thin films on the Lithium Niobate On Insulator (LNOI) platform can also be found.
lithium niobate; small polaron hopping; transient absorption; mode-locked laser; nonlinear mirror mode locking; lithium tantalate; crystal structure; chemical composition; ferroelectrics; second harmonic generation; lead-free piezoelectrics; intrinsic defects; extrinsic defects; elemental doping; ferromagnetism; diluted-magnetic oxides; LiNbO3; LiTaO3; oxide crystals; lanthanides; luminescence; LNOI; ferroelectric domains; domain-wall conduction; AFM; thin film lithium niobate; TFLN; x-cut LN; domain walls; piezoresponse force microscopy; second-harmonic generation; Raman scattering; electro-optics; whispering gallery resonators; polarons; photorefractivity; Marcus-Holstein’s theory; Monte Carlo simulations; strontium titanate; self-trapped electrons; oxygen vacancies; defects; impurity; intrinsic defect; paramagnetic ion; electron paramagnetic resonance; electron nuclear double resonance; lithium vacancy; lithium; niobate; epitaxy; thin film; liquid phase epitaxy; molecular beam epitaxy; sputtering; pulsed laser deposition; chemical vapor deposition; lithium niobate-tantalate; piezoelectric; acoustic; high-temperature; sensor; Q-factor; BAW resonator; parametric down-conversion; photon-pair generation; extended phase matching; microring resonator; varFDTD; lithium tantalate thin film; electro-optical devices; lattice location; radiation damage; ion beam analysis; hyperfine interactions; charge localization; lattice deformation; optical response; density-functional theory; Bethe-Salpeter equation; nanoparticles; nanopowders; X-ray diffraction; Raman spectroscopy; temperature dependence of electroconductivity; bipolarons; defect structure and generation; Li diffusion; bulk crystals; thin films; nanocrystalsWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036533407, 9783036533391Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2022Classification
Research and information: general