Virginal. Goldemar
Teilband I: Einleitung, 'Heidelberger Virginal'; Teilband II: 'Wiener Virginal'; Teilband III: 'Dresdner Virginal', 'Goldemar', Verzeichnisse

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Lienert, Elisabeth (editor)
Pontini, Elisa (editor)
Schumacher, Katrin (editor)
Virginal narrates a youthful tale by Dietrich von Bern: the liberation of Queen Virginal from a cruel heathen captor and other battles with heathens, giants, and dragons. The new edition offers three versions of the adventurous epic that differ in scope, wording, and the constitution of meaning, along with the thematically related Goldemar fragment.
Edition; Middle High German heroic epics; epics of the Dietrich von Bern cycleWebshop link ...ISBN
9783110477931, 9783110476859Publisher
De GruyterPublisher website date and place
Berlin/Boston, 2017Imprint
De GruyterSeries
Texte und Studien zur mittelhochdeutschen Heldenepik, 10Classification
Literary studies: ancient, classical and medieval
Literary studies: general
Biography, Literature and Literary studies