Technologies and Innovations in Regional Development: The European Union and its Strategies
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Rončević, Borut (editor)
Cepoi, Victor (editor)
The subsequent volume revolves around the Social-Fields-Approach (SOFIA) as an approach to conceptualization and operationalisation for the purpose of empirical research. It contributes a new perspective and approach in research on innovation. We believe that SOFIA can have implications for both academic research and practical applications in reshaping the existing instruments and governance arrangements in innovation policy. Whilst applying SOFIA, we urge researchers to leverage the plurality of different qualitative, quantitative and mixed-method approaches in innovation studies, including less conventional methods, such as QCA (Ragin, 2008). Diligent application of SOFIA can also subsequently lead to the development of high-level theoretical contributions.
Borut; Cepoi; Development; European; Innovation; Innovations; Regional; Roncevic; Strategies; Technologies; Union; Victor; WinkelkötterDOI
9783631838907, 9783631838914, 9783631838921, 9783631838068Publication date and place
Bern, 2022Classification
Political science and theory
Social and political philosophy
Society and culture: general
Social theory
Social research and statistics
Sociology: work and labour
International economics
Computing and Information Technology