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dc.contributor.editorMaria Pugno, Nicola
dc.contributor.editorCazorla-Amoros, Diego
dc.contributor.editorChen, Jie-Sheng
dc.contributor.editorSong, Guang-Ling
dc.contributor.editorA Akbar, Sheikh
dc.contributor.editorWondraczek, Lothar
dc.contributor.editorPegoretti, Alessandro
dc.contributor.editorChoi, Seung-Bok
dc.contributor.editorProvis, John L.
dc.contributor.editorChu, Jinn P.
dc.contributor.editorKordas, Krisztian
dc.contributor.editorDai, Liming
dc.description.abstractThe Frontiers in Materials Editorial Office team are delighted to present the inaugural “Frontiers in Materials: Rising Stars” article collection, showcasing the high-quality work of internationally recognized researchers in the early stages of their independent careers. All Rising Star researchers featured within this collection were individually nominated by the Journal’s Chief Editors in recognition of their potential to influence the future directions in their respective fields. The work presented here highlights the diversity of research performed across the entire breadth of the materials science and engineering field, and presents advances in theory, experiment and methodology with applications to compelling problems. This Editorial features the corresponding author(s) of each paper published within this important collection, ordered by section alphabetically, highlighting them as the great researchers of the future. The Frontiers in Materials Editorial Office team would like to thank each researcher who contributed their work to this collection. We would also like to personally thank our Chief Editors for their exemplary leadership of this article collection; their strong support and passion for this important, community-driven collection has ensured its success and global impact.
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TN Civil engineering, surveying and buildingen_US
dc.subject.classificationthema EDItEUR::T Technology, Engineering, Agriculture, Industrial processes::TG Mechanical engineering and materialsen_US
dc.subject.otherMechanics of Materials
dc.subject.otherSmart Materials
dc.subject.otherCarbon-Based Materials
dc.subject.otherPolymeric and Composite Materials
dc.subject.otherGlass Science
dc.subject.otherFunctional Ceramics
dc.subject.otherStructural Materials
dc.subject.otherColloidal Materials and Interfaces
dc.subject.otherEnvironmental Materials
dc.subject.otherThin Solid Films
dc.subject.otherTranslational Materials Science
dc.titleFrontiers in Materials: Rising Stars

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