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dc.contributor.authorAguinaldo, Angela Leonor C.
dc.description.abstractThe first and only book of its kind, this book tackles how mutual legal assistance in criminal matters can develop within and between the ASEAN and the EU. Through this book the reader can gain knowledge on international cooperation in criminal matters, especially on mutual legal assistance, in the ASEAN and the EU, including its member states such as the Philippines, Malaysia, the UK, and Germany. This includes discussions on the regional organizations’ historical and socio-political underpinnings, each one’s existing mutual legal assistance mechanisms, and other considerations to further develop mutual legal assistance within and between the ASEAN and the EU.en_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesNomos Universitätsschriften - Rechten_US
dc.subject.classificationLBBZ, LNFXen_US
dc.subject.otherASEAN, Beweisrechtshilfe, Rechtshilfe, Verband Südostasiatischer Nationen, mutual legal assistance, Rechtshilfe in Strafsachen, EU international, cooperation in criminal matters, European Investigation Order, ASEAN, mutual legal assistance, Malaysia, Philippines, UK, Germanyen_US
dc.titleEast Meets Westen_US
dc.title.alternativeDevelopment of Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters between and within the Association of Southeast Nations and the European Unionen_US
oapen.abstract.otherlanguageThe first and only book of its kind, this book tackles how mutual legal assistance in criminal matters can develop within and between the ASEAN and the EU. Through this book the reader can gain knowledge on international cooperation in criminal matters, especially on mutual legal assistance, in the ASEAN and the EU, including its member states such as the Philippines, Malaysia, the UK, and Germany. This includes discussions on the regional organizations’ historical and socio-political underpinnings, each one’s existing mutual legal assistance mechanisms, and other considerations to further develop mutual legal assistance within and between the ASEAN and the EU.en_US
oapen.series.numberBand 983en_US

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