Small-scale rearing of Anagasta kuehniella for Trichogramma production

Postali Parra, Jose Roberto (editor)
Geremias, Leandro Delalibera (editor)
Bertin, Aline (editor)
Colmenarez, Yelitza C (editor)
Coelho, Aloisio (editor)
This book contains 4 chapters focusing on techniques for small-scale rearing of the egg parasitoids Trichogramma spp. in the factitious host Anagasta kuehniella [Ephestia kuehniella]. These parasitoids are among the most widely used natural enemies in the world, and in Brazil are used to control lepidopteran pests in a wide variety of crops.
biological control agents, parasitoids, natural enemies, stored products pests, insect pests, rearing techniques, parasites, pests, arthropod pests, Anagasta kuehniella, biological control organisms, biocontrol agents, Mediterranean flour moth, storage pests, stored-product pests, pest insects, pest arthropods, Ephestia, Pyralidae, Lepidoptera, insects, Hexapoda, arthropods, invertebrates, animals, eukaryotes, Trichogrammatidae, HymenopteraWebshop link
https://www.cabidigitallibrary ...ISBN
9781789248968, 9781789248951Publisher
CABIPublication date and place
UK, 2021-02Classification
Pest control / plant diseases
Insects (entomology)