Metal Matrix Composites

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Gupta, Manoj (editor)
Metal-based composites represent a unique way of tailoring the properties of metals, through the selection of type, size, and amount of reinforcement. In this way, the properties of metallic matrices can be adjusted depending on end applications. In view of the dynamic capabilities they can exhibit, this Special Issue will cover all aspects of metal matrix composites: synthesis (including solid, liquid, two-phase and 3D printing); secondary processing; properties (tensile, compressive, fatigue, impact, creep, tribological, etc.); corrosion behavior; and joining techniques. The main objective is to share the latest results on metal matrix composites with the research community worldwide.
Mg-3Al-0.4Ce alloy; nano ZnO particles; uniform distribution; strength; titanium matrix composite; constitutive model; interfacial debonding; high temperature; elastoplastic properties; nano-sized SiCp; aluminum matrix composites; mechanical properties; microstructures; Mg–Al–RE alloy; magnesium alloy; damping; Al11La3 phase; nanosize reinforcement; spark plasma sintering; Cu–TiC; in-situ composites; mechanical milling; iron aluminum alloys; cold/hot PM; compressibility factor; wear resistance; Al-Zn-Cr alloys; powder metallurgy; strengthening; extrusion; dry sliding wear; synthesis of core–shell metal nanoparticles; Cu@Ag composite nanoparticle; metal mesh; screen printing; touch screen panel; tungsten composites; tungsten-fibre-net reinforcement; tensile strength; metal matrix composites; nickel; aluminum; carbon nanotubes; ultrasonication; microstructural characterization; Magnesium; Sm2O3 nanoparticles; compression properties; microstructure; ignition; carbon nanotube; nanocomposite; dispersion; interfacial adhesion; phase transformation; physicomechanical properties; nanoparticles; metal matrix nanocomposite (MMNC); AlN; magnesium alloy AM60; strengthening mechanisms; in situ titanium composites; microstructure analysis; TiB precipitates; 7075 Al alloy; reduced graphene oxide; strengthening mechanism; metal matrix nanocomposite; copper; graphene; thermal expansion coefficient; thermal conductivity; electrical resistance; thixoforging; magnesium-based composite; fracture; magnesium-alloy-based composite; Halpin-Tsai-Kardos model; deformation behavior; composite strengthening; fracture behavior; magnesium; high entropy alloy; composite; hardness; compressive properties; tricalcium phosphate; compression; corrosion; n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783039360925, 9783039360932Publisher website date and place
Basel, Switzerland, 2020Classification
History of engineering and technology