Emerging Converter Topologies and Control for Grid Connected Photovoltaic Systems
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Vinnikov, Dmitri (editor)
Kouro, Samir (editor)
Yang, Yongheng (editor)
Continuous cost reduction of photovoltaic (PV) systems and the rise of power auctions resulted in the establishment of PV power not only as a green energy source but also as a cost-effective solution to the electricity generation market. Various commercial solutions for grid-connected PV systems are available at any power level, ranging from multi-megawatt utility-scale solar farms to sub-kilowatt residential PV installations. Compared to utility-scale systems, the feasibility of small-scale residential PV installations is still limited by existing technologies that have not yet properly address issues like operation in weak grids, opaque and partial shading, etc. New market drivers such as warranty improvement to match the PV module lifespan, operation voltage range extension for application flexibility, and embedded energy storage for load shifting have again put small-scale PV systems in the spotlight. This Special Issue collects the latest developments in the field of power electronic converter topologies, control, design, and optimization for better energy yield, power conversion efficiency, reliability, and longer lifetime of the small-scale PV systems. This Special Issue will serve as a reference and update for academics, researchers, and practicing engineers to inspire new research and developments that pave the way for next-generation PV systems for residential and small commercial applications.
three-phase rectifier; PFC; switch-mode rectifier; ZVS; ZCS; single stage micro-inverter; burst control; variable frequency control; maximum power-point tracking; grid-connected photovoltaic systems; cascade multilevel converters; multistring converters; T-type converters; power clipping; ESS sizing; grid-tied PV plant; cascaded H-bridge; photovoltaic inverter; module level; switching modulation strategy; energy yield; photovoltaic (PV); virtual synchronous generator (VSG); frequency response (FR); power reserve control (PRC); active power up-regulation; dual inverter; open-end winding transformer; photovoltaic application; filter; DC–AC converters; efficiency; neutral-point-clamped inverter; PV applications; PV inverters; PV systems; quasi-z-source; two-level inverter; three-level inverter; converter topologies; partial shading; photovoltaic (PV) arrays; multiple maximas; mismatch; differential power processing (DPP); series-parallel (SP); total-cross-tied (TCT); bridge-linked (BL); center-cross-tied (CCT); quasi-Z-source inverter; double-frequency ripple; ripple vector cancellation; shoot-through duty cycle; modulation; DC microgrid; DC electric spring; distributed cooperative control; adaptive droop control; consensus algorithm; Electric spring; hierarchical control; coordinated control; power decoupling control; droop control; microgrid; microinverter; variable dc-link voltage; photovoltaic; solar energy; renewable energy; residential systems; PV generators; active power; reactive power; Renewable energy; grid codes; capability curves; transformerless inverter; full bridge inverter; leakage current; NPC topology; full-bridge inverter; PV microinverters; single-stage; buck-boost; tapped inductor; modular multilevel converter; photovoltaic power system; grid integration; control system; distributed renewable energy source; energy storage; 1500 V photovoltaic (PV); reliability; cost-oriented design; DC–DC converter; series resonance converter; wide range converter; bidirectional switch; conversion efficiencyWebshop link
https://mdpi.com/books/pdfview ...ISBN
9783039439096, 9783039439102Publisher website
www.mdpi.com/booksPublication date and place
Basel, Switzerland, 2021Classification
History of engineering and technology