World Modeling for Intelligent Autonomous Systems
The functioning of intelligent autonomous systems requires constant situation awareness and cognition analysis. Thus, it needs a memory structure that contains a description of the surrounding environment (world model) and serves as a central information hub. This book presents a row of theoretical and experimental results in the field of world modeling. This includes areas of dynamic and prior knowledge modeling, information fusion, management and qualitative/quantitative information analysis.
Bayes; Umweltmodellierung; Entropy; Information Fusion; Robotik; World Modeling; Robotics; Entropie; InformationsfusionISBN
KIT Scientific PublishingPublisher website date and place
Karlsruher Schriften zur Anthropomatik / Lehrstuhl für Interaktive Echtzeitsysteme, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie ; Fraunhofer-Inst. für Optronik, Systemtechnik und Bildauswertung IOSB Karlsruhe,Classification
Computer science