Mehrskalenmodellierung von Schädigung in gummimodifizierten thermoplastischen Kunststoffen
In this work crazing in amorphous thermoplastics is investigated. Experiments on an ABS-material are used to characterize the deformation and fracture behavior. A homogenized material model for distributed crazing is developed. Simulation of macroscopic crack growth and the comparison with experiments are used to investigate the plastic zone at the crack tip and the fracture behavior.
damage; Schädigung; Crazing; multi scale simulation; rubber toughened thermoplastics; Multiskalen Simulation; Gummimodifizierte ThermoplasteISBN
KIT Scientific PublishingPublisher website date and place
Schriftenreihe des Instituts für Mechanik, Karlsruher Institut für Technologie,Classification
Technology: general issues