Recent Submissions
(2023-06)Assumindo o papel de leitora e agente medianeira, porei as narrativas a dialogar entre si, como se uma fosse a chave para ler a outra. A comparação entre os contos de Mary Lavin e de Sophia de Mello Breyner Andresen será ...
(2019-05)O presente livro congrega um conjunto de estudos relacionados com o projeto de investigação Grupos de Media do Atlântico Sul. Singularidades da Modernidade Lusófona, financiado pela FCT, e cujos trabalhos decorreram ao ...
(2025)Legal advice and representation are preconditions for human rights protection and the rule of law. But how are legal services secured in international law? This volume critically analyses the protection provided by the ...
(2025)This special issue explores how entrepreneurship educators can effectively adapt instructional methods, courses, and programs to meet the specific needs of the societies in the Central and East European (CEE) region. More ...
(2024)Since its adoption in July 1990 and entry into force in November 1999, the African Charter on the Rights and Welfare of the Child (African Children’s Charter), has become a key treaty within the African human rights system, ...
(2024)The book entitled: Thesis: writing and publishing its results. A guide to success, seeks to offer students at various university academic levels a clear and easy-to-understand route so that they can successfully complete ...
(2023)I am pleased to present the book titled: “Scientific research and interdisciplinarity for the transformation of organizations” that brings together a Research Series of the International Academic Network Organizational ...
(2022)Without a doubt, the quarantine period experienced by the COVID SARS 19 Pandemic represents the greatest challenge of educational transformation at a global level. Overcoming the challenge of confinement prompted universities ...
(2023)The objective of this book is to systematize from practical visions the necessary phases for the development of scientific research processes, fundamentally those required in the elaboration of works leading to degrees in ...