Design and Development of Nanostructured Thin Films

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Cavaliere, Sara
Macagnano, Antonella
De Cesare, Fabrizio
Due to their unique size-dependent physicochemical properties, nanostructured thin films are used in a wide range of applications from smart coating and drug delivery to electrocatalysis and highly-sensitive sensors. Depending on the targeted application and the deposition technique, these materials have been designed and developed by tuning their atomic-molecular 2D- and/or 3D-aggregation, thickness, crystallinity, and porosity, having effects on their optical, mechanical, catalytic, and conductive properties. Several open questions remain about the impact of nanomaterial production and use on environment and health. Many efforts are currently being made not only to prevent nanotechnologies and nanomaterials from contributing to environmental pollution but also to design nanomaterials to support, control, and protect the environment. This Special Issue aims to cover the recent advances in designing nanostructured films focusing on environmental issues related to their fabrication processes (e.g., low power and low cost technologies, the use of environmentally friendly solvents), their precursors (e.g., waste-recycled, bio-based, biodegradable, and natural materials), their applications (e.g., controlled release of chemicals, mimicking of natural processes, and clean energy conversion and storage), and their use in monitoring environment pollution (e.g., sensors optically- or electrically-sensitive to pollutants)
polyhydroxibutyrate; graphene oxide; nanostructured films; iridescence; carbon nanotube; corrosion; biomaterial; powders; adsorption energy; UPD; plasma irradiation; metallic nanoparticles; STM; nanospiral; PA-PVD; light trapping; ruthenium; aqueous dispersion; DFT; monomer synthesis; ultrathin films; galvanic displacement; quantum confinement; rod coating; nanocomposite conductive polymers; nanocrystalline cellulose; phase transition performance; La2O3 passivation layer; interfacial energy; lamination; lysozyme; nanofibrous membranes; H2TPP; poly(dimethylacrylamide); iron oxides; water filtration; hybrid deposition system; Pt thin deposits; reinforced; wires; self-assembly; composite gel; electron–phonon coupling; barrier material; PAS device; hydrogel; nanoscratch; thin film; polymeric matrix; SEM; silver; sputtering; optical transmittance; wound dressing; agarose; XPEEM; CERAMIS®; highly oriented pyrolytic graphite; FeO; Raman scattering; model system; XPS; photocatalysis; photovoltaics; atomic layer deposition; chirality; structural characterization; polystyrene; nanofiber; 2D growth; nanostructure; biomedical; VOCs selectivity; silicon thin film; electrodeposition; electrocatalysis; SLRR; chemosensor; CaxCoO2; spin coating; nanocomposites; Al2O3; metal-organic framework; nanocoating of SiOx; platinum; symmetry; PECVD; thermal analysis; first-principles calculation; electrical properties; biomimetic solvent sensors; modulation structure; nanofibers; mercury vapors adsorbing layer; hydrogenated amorphous carbon films; phase transformation; birefringence; nanostructured back reflectors; mesoporous; silk sericin; polymer nanoparticles; LEEM; SorpTest; InAlN; metamaterial; microparticle deposition; CdTe; homogeneity; luminous transmittance; LDH; hybrid material; scaffolds; MgO; polystyrene sphere assisted lithography; Ge surface engineering; epitaxial growth; AuNPs; Kr physisorption; plasma deposition; ReB2/TaN multilayers; vanadium dioxide; FIB; mask; self-catalysed; mesoporous graphene; coating; post-treatment; Mg alloy; photonic nanostructures; ink; deposition; Mueller matrix; electrospinning deposition; polar semiconductors; zinc oxide; thin films; Fe3O4; TiO2NPs; mechanical flexibility; hazardous organic solvents; permeation; interfacial model; microscopy; LEED; electrical conductivity; PVDISBN
9783039287390, 9783039287383Publisher website date and place
Technology: general issues