Stimme – Sprechen – Theater
Sprechwissenschaft im Dialog

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Voigt-Zimmermann, Susanne (editor)
Wessel, Anna (editor)
Haase, Martina (editor)
Elocution and speech training are among the core areas of speech science in research, teaching and practice. The volume Voice – Speech – Theater. Sprechwissenschaft im Dialog offers an update on the current scientific and practical cooperation between university speech science and schools as well as colleges of drama and music. In the transdisciplinary exchange between research and practice, the focus is on the discussion of proven and new approaches to theory and methodology as well as on the current requirements of artistic practice. Specifically, the focus will be on special aspects of gestural communication and choral speaking, laughing and crying on stage, artificial voices and "theatricality" in the art of speaking. In addition, topics such as text learning and voice disorders, which are always present in the acting profession, are also discussed. An overview of relevant research work at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg rounds off the volume.