Graph Theory
Advanced Algorithms and Applications

Sirmacek, Beril (editor)
This book is prepared as a combination of the manuscripts submitted by respected mathematicians and scientists around the world. As an editor, I truly enjoyed reading each manuscript. Not only will the methods and explanations help you to understand more about graph theory, but I also hope you will find it joyful to discover ways that you can apply graph theory in your scientific field. I believe the book can be read from the beginning to the end at once. However, the book can also be used as a reference guide in order to turn back to it when it is needed. I have to mention that this book assumes the reader to have a basic knowledge about graph theory. The very basics of the theory and terms are not explained at the beginner level. I hope this book will support many applied and research scientists from different scientific fields.
machine learning, decision-making, robotics, governance, one health, decision treeDOI
10.5772/65595Webshop link ...ISBN
9789535137733, 9789535137726, 9789535139843Publisher
IntechOpenPublisher website date and place
Discrete mathematics