Recent Developments in Environmentally Sustainable and Cost-Effective Construction Materials

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Mohammed, Ahmed Salih (editor)
The effects of additives on the flow characteristics of drilling muds used in various drilling operations, including oil and gas wells, must be better quantified. In this study, acrylamide polymer was used to modify water-based bentonite mud to reduce the yield point and maximum shear stress produced by the mud during the drilling operation. The bentonite content in the drilling mud was varied up to 6% (by weight). Based on the X-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses, the major constituents of bentonite were montmorillonite (MMT, (Na,Ca)0.33(Al,Mg)2(Si4O10)(OH)2·nH2O), feldspar (Albite, NaAlSi3O8), kaolinite (Al2Si2O5(OH4)), Beidellite ((Na,Ca0.5)0.3Al2((Si,Al)4O10)(OH)2·nH2O) and quartz (SiO2). Bentonite was modified using a water-soluble polymer solution before being used in the drilling mud. The rheological properties of bentonite were characterized from a very low strain rate to a relatively high strain rate to determine the nonlinear behavior of the shear-thinning drilling mud. The polymer modification reduced the yield point by 26–66% based on the bentonite content in the drilling mud.
waste crumb rubber; rubberized self-compacted concrete; mechanical properties; durability properties; empirical model; natural pozzolan; limestone powder; acid resistance; sulfuric acid; alkali activation; silica fume; micro-fibers; recycling; tensile properties; non-destructive properties; self-compacted geopolymer concrete (SCGC); slag/fly ash; fresh properties; empirical equation; sorptivity; long-term free drying shrinkage; steel fiber; concrete; representative volume element (RVE); meso-mechanical; vegetated slope; unsaturated soil; vetiver root system morphology; matrix suction; soil–water characteristic curve; fibrous concrete; date palm fiber; engineering characteristics; durability; thermal cycles; energy absorption capacity; ground tire rubber; parallel plate geometry; concentric cylinder geometry; MSCR; LAS; continuous performance grade; Delta T Critical; cellulose fibre; cement replacement; fibre reinforcement; flexural ductility; life cycle; engineering properties; waste tyres; construction waste; water absorption; supplementary binder; optimization; fibers and environment; fracture mechanics; curing age; bonding strength; models; acetates; compressive strength; response surface methodology; workability; lime-based concrete; mechanical characteristics; fiber reinforcement; curing conditions; curing periods; self-compacting concrete; mix proportion; slump flow; modelingWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036594033, 9783036594026Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2023Classification
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology