Investigation of Microstructural and Corrosion Properties of Steels and Light Alloys

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Gennari, Claudio (editor)
Pezzato, Luca (editor)
According to the latest NACE estimation (2013), the global cost of corrosion is equivalent to approximately 3.4% of the global GDP (2.5 trillion US dollars), not considering environmental consequences or safety issues. A reduction between 15% and 35% could be realized if prevention techniques and proper precaution are used, which means savings between 375 and 875 billion US dollars. Corrosion involves different sectors such as industry, military, civilian, services, etc., in particular energy production, transport, chemical and petrochemical industries, the mechanical industry, and drink and beverage. Among these sectors, most of the constituents are made out of steel, which is the most produced metal in the world (1808 million tons in 2018), or light alloys, mainly aluminum (60.1 million tons of consumption in 2018).A proper alloy design in terms of composition, heat treatments, microstructural features, etc. is mandatory in order to obtain the best combination of mechanical properties and corrosion resistance during operation, reducing maintenance costs and the overall impact on the global economy. In fact, microstructural features can affect both the corrosion of the material itself and the eventual production of protective layers on its surfaces.The purpose of this Special Issue was to correlate the key role of the microstructure of steels and light alloys to their corrosion properties.
chloride concentration; crevice corrosion; relative humidity; stainless steel; stress corrosion cracking; high-silicon steel; austempering; retained austenite; corrosion resistance; ultra-low carbon bainite steel; niobium microalloying; mechanical property; corrosion behavior; API-X100 pipeline; bitumen; corrosion; inclusion; dust; Ni-based superalloys; micro laser powder bed fusion; heat treatment; mechanical properties; Galvalume; Plasma Electrolytic Oxidation; antifouling; anti-corrosion coatings; additive manufacturing (AM); titanium alloys; aluminum alloys; duplex stainless steels; defects; steel microstructure; post-fire properties; fracture surface; brittle cracking; impact test; shear fracture appearance; toughness; laser welding; aluminum alloy; zirconium; fusion zone; micro–galvanic; interdendritic segregation; passive film; n/aWebshop link ...ISBN
9783036589619, 9783036589602Publisher website date and place
Basel, 2023Classification
Technology: general issues
History of engineering and technology