The Potential of Blind Collaborative Justice
Testing the Impact of Expert Blinding and Consensus Building on the Validity of Forensic Testimony
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Wong, Carolyn
Aharoni, Eyal
Aliyev, Gursel Rafig oglu
Du Bois, Jacqueline
Biased expert testimony is a leading cause of wrongful convictions, and new techniques are needed to reduce such biases. RAND researchers conducted an experimental investigation of two potential contributors to biased testimony within adversarial litigation involving forensic evidence: (1) experts’ knowledge of their party representation (i.e., prosecution vs. defense counsel), and (2) lack of input from the relevant scientific community.
Law; TechnologyISBN
RAND CorporationPublication date and place
Database design and theory
Systems of law: civil codes / civil law
Criminal law: procedure and offences
Civil procedure: law of evidence